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[DEs] Your World Truth Workbook Abstimmungs Thread

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The savage clans called the Skulde invaded the kingdoms of the Old World. Our armies fell. Most were killed or taken into
slavery. Those who escaped set sail aboard anything that would float. After an arduous months-long voyage, the survivors
made landfall upon the Ironlands.

Quest Starter: You are a descendant of the Skulde. Because of your heritage, your family has long borne the distrust of your
fellow Ironlanders. Now, a small force of Skulde have landed on our shores. Are they the harbinger of an invasion? Where do your loyalties lie?

The sickness moved like a horrible wave across the Old World, killing all in its path. Thousands fled aboard ships.
However, the plague could not be outrun. On many ships, the disease was contained through ruthless measures—tossing
overboard any who exhibited the slightest symptom. Other ships were forever lost. In the end, those who survived found
the Ironlands and made it their new home. Some say we will forever be cursed by those we left behind.

Quest Starter: A settlement is stricken by disease. Though this sickness bears some similarities to the Old World plague, it
doesn’t kill its victims. Instead, it changes them. How does this disease manifest? Why do you swear to seek out a cure?

The Old World could no longer sustain us. We were too large in number. We had felled the forests. Our crops withered
in the barren ground. The cities and villages overflowed with desperate, hungry people. Petty kings battled for scraps. We
cast our fate to the sea and found the Ironlands. A new world. A fresh start.

Quest Starter: Decades ago, the exodus ended. Since then, no ships have sailed here from the Old World. Until now. Word
comes of a single ship, newly arrived across the vast ocean, grounded on the rocks of the Barrier Islands. When you hear the
name of this ship, you swear to uncover the fate of its passengers. Why is it so important to you?

Ausgewählten Punkt hervorgehoben.

EDIT Blechpirat: Betreff angepasst.

Also mir gefällt die mysteriöse Seuche ganz gut, da kann man sicher einiges draus machen. Hat meiner Meinung nach am meisten Plot Potential. Was meinst du?


Der nächste Punkt betrifft


The imposing hills and mountains of the Ironlands are rich in iron ore. Most prized of all is the star-forged black iron.

Quest Starter: The caravan, bound for the distant southlands, left the mining settlement last season but never arrived at its destination. It carried a bounty of black iron. Why is finding this lost caravan so important to you?

The weather is bleak. Rain and wind sweep in from the ocean. The winters are long and bitter. One of the first settlers complained, “Only those made of iron dare live in this foul place”—and thus our land was named.

Quest Starter: The harvest fell short. The unrelenting snows left the village isolated. The food is running out. What will you do to see these people through this harsh season?

Inscrutable metal pillars are found throughout the land. They are iron gray, and smooth as river stone. No one knows
their purpose. Some say they are as old as the world. Some, such as the Iron Priests, worship them and swear vows upon
them. Most make the warding sign and hurry along their way when they happen across one. The pillars do not tarnish,
and even the sharpest blade cannot mark them.

Quest Starter: Your dreams are haunted by visions of a pillar which stands in an unfamiliar landscape. What do you see?
Why are you sworn to seek it out?

Ausgewählten punkt hervorgehoben.

Bei Iron wäre ich für Punkt 1.

Auswahl 1 gefällt mir auch. Aber sonen eisernen Pfeiler kann man ruhig mal einbauen als speziellen Ort. Find ich aich irgendwie cool. Nur mit "mysteriösen Visionen" kann ich nicht so viel anfangen.


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