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[HARP] Smalltalk

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Boba Fett:
Harp Fantasy is back!

--- Zitat ---HARP Fantasy is back!

Join the new road to high adventure with HARP Fantasy. Enhanced, remastered, HARP Fantasy has drawn upon years of actual game play experience, fan feedback, and logical reasoning to improve the rules from the original 2003 and 2004 editions without compromising their playability.

Here’s your checklist of rules changes:

 The Professions have been rebalanced in terms of their professional abilities
 Flat 50 Development Points is the default for calculating Development Points
 Races have been better balanced in terms of stat bonuses, some racial abilities have been revised, and Humans now get Skill Flexibility (the ability to make a single skill in a NonFavored category Favored)
 Blood Talents have been rebalanced in terms of Development Point cost
 The Mandatory Subskills rule has been incorporated from HARP SF
 Four new Influence skills have been added from HARP SF
 New talents have been added from HARP SF and Development Point costs of existing Talents have been properly balanced
 The use of Spell Adders and Power Point Adders has been clarified
 Clarifications and improvements have been made to the rules for Light & Vision, Fighting Blind, Asphyxiation and Holding Breath, Drowning and Stat Loss
 Life Points have been removed and the Stun rules made consistent with HARP SF
 All of the spells have had their base costs and scaling options made consistent with the revised spell creation system (to be published in the enhanced College of Magics) and descriptions have been clarified in specific cases
 Herb and poison prices have been rationalized
 A new monster creation system has been used to rework the monster collection with some monsters being replaced with new creatures
 Several magic items have had their effects adjusted
 The guidance on customizing clerics and magic users has been revised to better fit with the rules given in the enhanced College of Magics and future envisaged sourcebooks.
 The Language Table and associated rules have been made consistent with HARP SF
The “Non-Adventuring Professions” have been removed – these will return in in a future sourcebook in a form suitable for PCs

We have also improved the interior artwork, replacing virtually every filler piece with meaningful illustrations. You’ll love the new art.

Here's the link to the RPGNow page but read the rest of this Briefing first! -

The proper price for the HARP Fantasy pdf is 20 US dollars.
However, as we promised in previous Briefings, we are making a special time-limited offer for any ICE fan who would like to buy the new HARP Fantasy pdf. Use the following link to buy the HARP Fantasy pdf for a mere 5 (yes, FIVE) dollars  
(if you prefer and so on for all the other OBS affiliates. You may need to directly put in the discount code 91524 at the checkout screen.)

This is a time-limited offer and will END on 15th September. Do not procrastinate, do not dither, just take advantage of it.

The pdf version is already available.
Softcover and hardcover versions will become available as soon as OneBookShelf approves the print files.
--- Ende Zitat ---

Dash Bannon:
was macht dieses System in deinen Augen den spielenswert?

ich mag mir keine links durchlesen ;)

Boba Fett:

--- Zitat von: Dash Bannon am 14.08.2012 | 15:00 ---was macht dieses System in deinen Augen den spielenswert

--- Ende Zitat ---

Es ist ein abgespecktes Rolemaster.
Weniger Attribute, weniger Fertigkeiten,
Zaubersprüche werden einzeln gelernt nicht listenweise
(das ist das einzige, was ich bei RM besser finde).
Kampf wird auf weniger Tabellen gewürfelt, weil die Rüstklasse in den DB geht.
(Daher nur eine Tabelle pro Schadensart, statt eine pro Schaden und pro Rüstung)
Es gibt auch keinen Verweis mehr von der Schadenstabelle zur Kritischen, sondern die kritischen Effekte stehen gleich in der ersten Tabelle drin.

Es ist immer noch Fantasy, hat immer noch Klassen und Stufen.
Ein nettes Feature ist, dass man keine Halbrassen (zB Halelf) hat, sondern den Charakteren einen "Bluteinfluss" geben kann, also ein Mensch mit zwergischem Einschlag hat dann einen Teil Zwergenblut in den Adern.

Und die Regeln sollen kompatibel zu RM sein.

Danke für den Link, Boba!  :d

Das liest sich doch mal richtig gut. Und bei 5$ kann man gar nicht "nein" sagen, finde ich ;)

Boba Fett:

--- Zitat von: Luxferre am 15.08.2012 | 09:37 ---Danke für den Link, Boba!  :d

Das liest sich doch mal richtig gut. Und bei 5$ kann man gar nicht "nein" sagen, finde ich ;)

--- Ende Zitat ---
gern geschehen! :)

Ich finde HARP allgemein sehr gut.
Genau die Dinge, die mich an RM immer gestört haben sind draussen
und es behält die typischen RM Charakteristika, die ich an RM geschätzt habe.


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