
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => D&D - Dungeons & Dragons => Pathfinder/3.x/D20 => Thema gestartet von: Selganor [n/a] am 20.11.2002 | 13:38

Titel: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 20.11.2002 | 13:38
Es gibt ja schon eine Weile diverse Fanprojekte die Lone Wolf/Einsamer Wolf Welt d20-tauglich zu machen (eines ist hier (http://www.triode.net.au/~brkelly/lwd20/) zu finden), aber ich hab' so eine Ahnung, dass diejenigen die d20 und Einsamer Wolf moegen jetzt schon mal anfangen sollten sich Geld beiseite zu legen, da wohl naechstes Jahr ein dementsprechendes Buch erscheinen wird...

Mehr darf ich noch nicht sagen, da das offizielle Statement noch nicht raus ist...
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Gast am 20.11.2002 | 17:36
Einsamer Wolf? War das nicht die Sache mit diesem Kailord den man gespielt hat in diesen Solobüchern? Die waren nicht so toll fand ich.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Gast am 2.12.2002 | 18:41
Hab gelesen, dass es sich wohl um Mongoose handelt, die die Rechte gesichert haben, die werden immer größer.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 2.12.2002 | 19:05
Wo hast du das gehoert ?
Das offizielle Statement der noch namenlos bleibenden Firma ist ja noch nicht raus...
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: sir_ollibolli am 3.12.2002 | 14:38
Ich habe es gestern auf den Mongoose Boards bei Mortality gelesen, aber keine echte Press Release oder eine Ankündigung eines Mitarbeiters, aber es hört sich stark danach an... http://mortality.net/board/read.php?TID=4489 (http://mortality.net/board/read.php?TID=4489)

Edit ab hier...

ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG!! Frisch vom Newsticker...

Mongoose veröffentlicht Conan und Lone Wolf als Settings...

http://mortality.net/board/read.php?TID=4508 (http://mortality.net/board/read.php?TID=4508)
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Althalus am 3.12.2002 | 14:50
Ich sag nur OIJEEE. Das Flair der Bücher bestand doch hauptsächlich daraus, den LETZTEN Kai-Lord zu spielen. Auch Silberstern war der Letzte. Wenn da jetzt auf einmal x von denen rumlaufen ...

Bleibt die Welt, und die war damals schon eher 0815.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Gast am 3.12.2002 | 16:30
Ja 08/15, da stimme ich zu, es war nichts Besonderes und es wird imho nur ein Fantasysetting mehr unter vielen. Und Conan als D20? Warum nicht, nur frag ich mich, ob ein Barbar (Slaine) nicht reicht bei Mongoose.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 3.12.2002 | 19:34
Dann lasst uns mal abwarten was Mongoose und Joe Dever (der mitarbeitet) daraus machen.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Althalus am 4.12.2002 | 00:21
Conan kann ich mir da noch eher vorstellen - immerhin sind seine Abenteuer meistens H&S. Keine Geschichte, in der er am Ende nicht einen üblen Kerl kaltmacht.  ;D
Allerdings schneidet sich die Magie Hyperboreas doch sehr mit der D&D-eigenen. Weniger offensichtlich, düsterer, und vor allem auf Beschwörungen aufgebaut.

Aber wenn Joe Dever mitarbeitet, könnte zumindest Magnamund noch recht gut kommen. Und als Setting is es sicherlich eine Alternative (wobei mir da das System auch wurscht is).
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 4.12.2002 | 08:42
Conan kann ich mir da noch eher vorstellen - immerhin sind seine Abenteuer meistens H&S. Keine Geschichte, in der er am Ende nicht einen üblen Kerl kaltmacht.  ;D
Allerdings schneidet sich die Magie Hyperboreas doch sehr mit der D&D-eigenen. Weniger offensichtlich, düsterer, und vor allem auf Beschwörungen aufgebaut.
Und schon wieder jemand, der anscheinen D&D und Hack&Slay verwechselt...

Ausserdem wird Conan ein d20-System, d.h. es werden wohl die Klassen die "passen" belassen (Barbar z.B.) und diejenigen die nicht passen (z.B. Wizard) gestrichen oder geaendert. Das ist das schoene am d20-System...

Und wenn die Magie nicht passt, dann wird sie durch eine andere ersetzt. So einfach ist das.
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Althalus am 4.12.2002 | 13:15
Und in Dragon Lords of Melniboné sieht man recht gut, wie schwer das mit der Magie in Wahrheit ist. Der Spagat gelingt nämlich einfach net.
In Stormbringer 5th tauchen auf einmal Zaubersprüche auf - die gab´s davor nie.
Sieht doch sehr danach aus, als versuche man, die beiden Linien zumindest etwas zusammenzuführen.

Und D&D ist nun mal kampflastig. Könntest du dir eine Adaption von LeGuins Erdsee auf d20 vorstellen? Wer würde das wohl spielen wollen?
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 4.12.2002 | 13:27
Und in Dragon Lords of Melniboné sieht man recht gut, wie schwer das mit der Magie in Wahrheit ist. Der Spagat gelingt nämlich einfach net.
In Stormbringer 5th tauchen auf einmal Zaubersprüche auf - die gab´s davor nie.
Sieht doch sehr danach aus, als versuche man, die beiden Linien zumindest etwas zusammenzuführen.
Das liegt dann aber nicht am d20-System sondern an der Firma die versucht ein "nicht-d20-System" auf einmal d20-Konform zu machen.
Dass es auch GANZ anders geht sieht man an Sovereign Stone. Dort ist das ganze Magiesystem komplett geaendert worden.
Andere Magiesysteme gibt's inzwischen wie Sand am Meer und Monte's Alternativer Barde aus dem BOEM2 gibt sogar noch eine Alternative fuer die magischen Faehigkeiten des Barden. (Fuer den macht's sogar noch Sinn Perform auf ueber 12 zu steigern... Powergamermaessig gesprochen)
Und D&D ist nun mal kampflastig. Könntest du dir eine Adaption von LeGuins Erdsee auf d20 vorstellen? Wer würde das wohl spielen wollen?
WEr der Meinung ist, D&D sei kampflastig der sollte NIE ins Everquest RPG reinschauen...

Ich kenne Erdsee nicht.  Von daher wuerde ich es wohl erstmal nicht spielen ;)

Da kommt mir aber eine Idee fuer einen neuen Thread...
Titel: Re:LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 6.03.2003 | 07:58
Und auch hier gibt's neues zu berichten... Ergebnisse aus dem Chat mit Mongoose zum Thema Lone Wolf:

Q: What are your plans for the Lone Wolf line? Will the system be
normal d20, or will be modified in order account for the low-magic
nature of the setting?
A: There will be a lot of changes - we are currently debating whether
this game will use the d20 Lite system we are currently experimenting
with for the Conan RPG. Also, character classes will be split between
Hero and Commoner classes - and we are abolishing feats! Instead,
characters will have a range of disciplines they can learn and
improve upon.
Q: How do these 'disciplines' differ from feats ?
A: Well, as a Kai Lord in the gamebooks, you got a set of
disciplines, such as Tracking or Weaponmastery. As you went through
several adventures, they improved. We'll be doing the same thing,
with characters learning new disciplines and developing new ones as
they go up each level. Basically, they will be more involved and in-
depth than simple feats.
Q: If Lone Wolf is successful, will you be doing follow up
supplements, or haven't you got that far?
A: Some are already planned - complete campaigns, a detailed
sourcebook for the Darklands, that kind of thing. We'll always
support a game with at least a few supplements.
Q: Can you tell us what sections the book will contain? (organized
like PH or in some other fashion?)
A: It will be similar to the PHB, as this will really be a new game,
rather than just a new setting. There will be all sorts of tweaks to
combat and what have you, so it really demands this kind of approach.
Q: Will any of the original authors/artists be involved in Mongoose's
A: Joe Dever is certainly going to be involved in one way or another.
As for the original artists, no idea yet, though we have spoken to
Gary Chalk in the past on a number of projects, so you never know. . .
Q: About how many fully stat'd monsters will appear in the LW d20
A: No idea yet! So far I have done the Kraan, Giak, Gourgaz and
Vordak! The character classes are the main focus at the moment.

Man sehen ob jemand DAS d20-System noch erkennt ;)
Titel: Lone Wolf RPG
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 20.01.2004 | 11:11
Der alte Thread ist ja anscheinend schon archiviert, aber inzwischen hat Matt von Mongoose ueber das im April erscheinende Lone Wolf RPG noch was verlauten lassen:

Lone Wolf was always going to be OGL, rather than straight d20, so we could get a complete rulebook, rather than being reliant on the PHB. However, we have gone for a d20 Lite system, so there is more space for the background in this book than there would have been if we had used the SRD carte blanche.

However, full-on D20 fans need not fear either. Throughout the book, we have examples of how you can use regular d20/D&D in Magnamund, right down to the standard character classes.

Basically, with Lone Wolf, you'll be getting the best of both worlds!

Das klingt doch mal wieder richtig gut.
Titel: Re:Lone Wolf RPG
Beitrag von: Brian am 20.01.2004 | 17:34
hmm ein abgespecktes D20... verstehe ich das richtig? Mit weniger Regeln? Na, da binn ichg mal gespannt, wie das aussehen wird! ^_^
Titel: Re:Lone Wolf RPG
Beitrag von: Visionär am 21.01.2004 | 10:47
Gibt's dazu noch eine Hintergrundwelt, oder ist es OGL lite, so to say?
Titel: Re:Lone Wolf RPG
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 21.01.2004 | 10:56
Klar gibt's die Hintergrundwelt. Das Magnamund der Spielbuchreihe...
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 20.02.2004 | 08:23
Und hier die ersten Infos von der Website:

The Lone Wolf RPG
by August Hahn
Price: $39.95
Pages: 256 (Hardback)

In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.

The Kai monks are masters of their art, and the children in their charge love and respect them in spite of the hardships of their training. For one day when they have finally learnt the secret skills of the Kai, they will return to their homes equipped in mind and body to defend themselves against the constant threat of war from the Darklords of the west.

In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called 'Sommerswerd', the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

Now it is in the morning of the feast of Fehmarn, when all of the Kai Lords are present at the monastery for the celebrations. Suddenly a great black cloud comes out from the western skies. So many are the numbers of the black-winged beasts that fill the sky, that the sun is completely hidden. The Darklords, ancient enemy of Sommlending, are attacking. War has begun.

With these words, readers of the Lone Wolf series were launched into an odyssey spanning 28 game books, 4 novels, and countless related works. The hero for most of that work was Lone Wolf, a Kai Lord and the readers? alternate identity when traveling through the complex and often lethal world of Magnamund. The last survivor of the Kai, it was his self-appointed duty to seek vengeance for the deaths of his brothers and sisters. Through it all, readers of the Lone Wolf game books followed along with every step, every sword blow, and every use of his incredible powers.

Since then, the world of Magnamund has grown and expanded to include loyal readers from every corner of the globe. From novels that explore the Kai and their politics to fan-based fiction that continues the adventures of hundreds of other characters in the setting, the game world has become far more than the thrilling adventures of Lone Wolf himself.

That is where the book you are holding right now comes in. Lone Wolf began as a roleplaying game; it is only fitting that he has come full circle into another one. In a world as vast as Magnamund, there is plenty of room for as many heroes as there are villains. There is more than enough room for as many bastions of light as there are fell pits of darkness. Magnamund is a rich tapestry of good and evil, dozens of different cultures, and ancient artifacts resting side by side with scientific innovation. From the Dwarven Gunners of Bor to the malefic Helghasts that lurk in forgotten crypts, here then is fantasy roleplaying at its finest.

The original purpose of the Lone Wolf series was one of vengeance, but it quickly became more than that. Lone Wolf went through the cycles of a hero, taking his original quest for revenge and moving on to a noble purpose of exploration and finally restoration of his past through the rebirth of the Kai. It can truly be said that in Magnamund, great dreams can come from simple beginnings. That is the hope of any adventure set in the world of Lone Wolf; a single adventure spawning an epic of your own.

The Lone Wolf Campaign
The setting for the Lone Wolf, Adventures in Magnamund roleplaying game takes place fifty years before the events in Flight From the Dark, the first Lone Wolf game book. The Kai Monastery is at the height of its power, not crumbled and burned at the hands of a traitor to the order. The kingdom of Sommerlund is a mighty nation, secure in its power as the grandest nation on Magnamund. The Darklords of Helgedad plot and conspire in the shadows, too fearful to strike overtly outside their borders but still the black-hearted masters of all that dwell within their realm.

This then is the highest point of Lone Wolf roleplaying- the many powers of the land are the strongest they have ever been and while there is a fragile peace on Magnamund, tiny wars and border skirmishes occur constantly. The agents of evil do not move openly, but they are everywhere and watch with shadowed eyes the actions of great heroes of the realm. There is the feeling everywhere of an axe about to fall. Tensions are high, and though it will take fifty years for open conflict to sweep over the land, opportunities abound for heroes to either make a name for themselves or die a cold, lonely death?

Within These Pages
This book is the definitive guide to the world of Magnamund and the many roleplaying possibilities it provides. Here you will find the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star before their order went into seclusion. You can ride with the Sommerlund Knights of the Realm five decades before their fateful charge against the Darklord Zagarna decimated their numbers. You can walk the forests of the Wild-Lands with Telchos amazons, alert for any danger that might leap out of the toua trees. If you can imagine an adventure, it awaits you somewhere on the face (or in the dark caverns) of Magnamund.

Ahead of you lies several chapters that form the Lone Wolf setting in all its high fantasy glory. You will discover how to create Kai Lords of your own, wield their immense supernatural disciplines in battle, and take up arms against the seemingly infinite hordes of darkness that plague the land. You will find the many spells of the Crystal Star lexicons, but you will also find the magic of the Dessi and see for yourself how every different they are.

You will discover the lore of the Rangers, the wild powers of the Kundi tribes, and the ancient secrets of the divine Shianti. The wisdom of many races both old and new will be at your command, making the stories you wish to tell in your campaigns more compelling and detailed. From psychic combat to the searing force of elementalism, you will have all the power you need to do battle against the night and defend whichever kingdom you proudly call home.

There is also a gazetteer section with maps, images, and detailed descriptions of the many realms that make up Magnamund. Notes on cultures, monsters, and the inevitable dangers of the land will be at your fingertips. Want to travel into the Jungle of Horrors? This guide will let you know what plants are edible and which ones might try to eat you instead. Discover why you should stock up on your laumspur potions before taking a trip to Ruel and why a dip in the Taunor spa can be a very good idea if you are injured.

The gazetteer will also provide Games Masters with statistics for dozens of terrible beasts and vile henchmen to throw at those foolish enough to oppose the rise of the Darklords. From skulking Giaks to the raging might of the Mawtaw, these foes will pose quite a challenge for anyone determined to play hero in a world destined to fall before the might of Helgedad and its shadowy hordes. Guidelines for using these creatures and minions accompany each description, ensuring that a Games Master has everything needed to make use of the terrible powers.

What you will not find in these pages are overly complicated or burdensome rules. The combat of Lone Wolf is quick and simple, with greater emphasis placed on the descriptions and action of titanic conflict rather than the dice rolls involved. The heroes of Magnamund are too busy saving the world from unimaginable peril to worry about the minutiae of how to fight in the first place. The real battle should be against the Darklords, not the rules involved to doing so. The basic rules of Lone Wolf are just that- basic. They provide the foundation for all action in Magnamund without getting in the way of the saga that is your campaign.

Prepare Yourself for Adventure
This book contains all you need to enter the world of Magnamund and make a name for yourself as a Hero of the Realm. Whether you hail from the Kai Monastery and use your powers of mind and body in the name of justice or you wield the force of terrible magic as a Crystal Star Brother, your destiny awaits you ahead.

Welcome to Magnamund. Turn the page, and let your own epic unfold.
The Story So Far
It is the Age of the Golden Sun, centuries since the defeat of Vashna at the battle of Maakengorge by King Ulnar and his allies from the land of Durenor. For generations, Sommerlund and the surrounding kingdoms have had peace, safe in the knowledge that evil was banished from the land beneath the gleaming edge of the legendary Sommerswerd. Though the forces of the Darklords swore vengeance as they retreated from the pass of Moytura, long years of silence have proven those words empty and the powers of good rest confident in their victory.

But not everyone is so certain that peace will last. In the forested heart of Sommerlund, the Kai Monastery stands ever vigilant in their sacred task of protecting the world from the horrors of Vashna and his dark spawn. The Mage Guild of Toran continues to practice their battle magics, knowing that someday their mystical powers will be needed once more on the battlefield. And across the gulf of Durenor, legions of Durenese warriors train in the arts of war.

There are others who feel the stirrings of darkness in the land. In the shadowy places of Magnamund, minions of the foul Darklords travel in secret and make their way into the most protected of places. No city is safe from their traffic; they move like a fetid wind and slip their way unseen where no creature should be able to go. They hide in abandoned buildings, in dying trees, and in the deepest places of the world. The dark forces of evil have once again returned to their ancient lairs, readying themselves for the tide of death that is sure to come.

But Magnamund is a vast world and though the Darklords are a grave threat to all life, the many kingdoms and nations of the land have their own shadows to contend with. Sharnazim warriors keep their bitikali scimitars keen, ready at all times to drive back the advances of the united Nael-Aluvian nations. Though the unity of the alliance between Durenor and Sommerlund still holds from the last Crusade, many smaller nations in both kingdoms still battle each other in ceaseless border skirmishes over land and ancient disputes with no end in sight.

The lands of men make war with each other while the eternal Darklords laugh in their blackened hall. Their lord and master Vashna may be gone and his power broken in centuries past, but the greatest part of their strength has returned with time. The world is nearly ready for their conquest, but for now they play with the hearts of those who dwell in brighter lands. A false word in the ear of one petty king drives his nation to war while a simple assassination drives another to close its borders permanently.

These machinations go undetected because men believe the darkness is gone. The many nations of Magnamund are so eager to trust in their own power that they cannot see the dangers that lie beneath the surface of their supposed ?peace?. The world shudders beneath the weight of the Darklord?s manipulations, and none can see this evil for what it truly is.

Through puppets, spies, and quiet killers, the might of Helgedad reaches out to crush all the lands of light in its vile grasp. Magador?s king is a killer and a pretender, but he rules through the assurance of dark masters he is foolish enough to believe he can control. In Drodarin, the dwarven Gunners of Bor have developed terrible weapons of steel and flame but, at the whispered insistence of the Helghasts haunting their Tower Lords, they have these deadly guns pointed at their neighbors out of fear and paranoia. ?All too easy,? say the Masters of Helgedad. ?All too easy.?

Into this world of wonders and horrors, a hero has emerged with the strength to save the land and the wisdom to see these dire events for what they are. Whether trained in magic or skilled with mighty weapons, this hero will take up the fight against the powers of Darkness wherever they hide. From this hero, there is no escape and there can be no quarter. The road will be a long one, but if you cannot succeed, Magnamund is surely doomed...
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 6.03.2004 | 10:29
Inzwischen gibt es auch ein Preview der Kailord Klasse (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/pdf/kailord.pdf)
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Darklone am 8.03.2004 | 09:26
Schaut gar ned schlecht aus...

Ich mochte an den Büchern früher nicht, dass nicht eingeplant war, dass man unter Umständen beim ersten Versuch durchkommt... :D
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 8.03.2004 | 09:35
Ich mochte an den Büchern früher nicht, dass nicht eingeplant war, dass man unter Umständen beim ersten Versuch durchkommt... :D
??? Bitte?
Gerade die Lone Wolf Buecher konnte man sehr wohl in einem Schwung "schaffen"...
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Darklone am 8.03.2004 | 13:56
Die ersten paar ja, wenn man die "richtigen" Powers gewählt hatte. Die späteren gingen dann sehr sehr oft nach dem Motto:
geh links den weg entlang nach seite bla oder rechts nach bla. Ging man links, war man tot. Nach ca 50 weiteren Seiten. Kein Ausweg. Keine Chance. Keine weitere Entscheidungsmöglichkeit.
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 22.03.2004 | 14:43
Und das naechste Preview ist Online:

Eine Karte der Welt (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/pdf/magnamundsmall.jpg)

Mich wundert nur das "small" im Dateinamen ;)
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Darklone am 22.03.2004 | 17:00
Die large ist Massstab 1:1.
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 26.04.2004 | 09:28
Zwei neue Previews: Der Charakterbogen (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/pdf/lwcharacter.pdf) und das zweite Preview (mit einer weiteren Charakterklasse) (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/pdf/lwpreview2.pdf)
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 14.05.2004 | 17:23
Es wird ernst:

Hi guys,

Just to let you all know the Lone Wolf RPG does in fact exist!  I think you
are all going to like it - a big, fat 300+ page hardback, complete with a
fold out colour map of Magnamund in the back.  More than enough to keep you
going until, well, until the Darklands book comes out!

It should be in the shops during the week after next, so not too long to
wait now!

Matthew Sprange
Mongoose Publishing
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Darklone am 16.05.2004 | 20:17
Danke! ;)

Werds mir so bald wie möglich krallen.
Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Selganor [n/a] am 24.05.2004 | 08:01
Das hoffentlich letzte Update von mir OHNE Buch:

Hi guys,

A _great_ many people have been waiting for this book and, I have to confess, I have been greatly looking forward to previewing it. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the Lone Wolf RPG, out this week in your local games store and book shop!

Written by August Hahn, this is a 304 page hardback RPG, complete with a full colour fold-out map of Magnamund. For the uninitiated, this is an RPG based on the highly successful Lone Wolf gamebooks of the 80's by Joe Dever - they formed an introduction to roleplaying for many people and so it is with great pride that we have come full circle and now release the setting as a full-blown RPG.

The introductory chapters briefly cover the setting (fifty years before the events of the Lone Wolf gamebooks, though you are free to change this if you desire), plus basic character generation rules. Then we move onto the classes. . .

Character classes in Lone Wolf are a little bit different from those in other d20/OGL-based games. For a start, each character class can take 15 pages or more to describe! This is because instead of using feats to flesh out a character, we have used Disciplines, much as the original gamebooks did. What this means is that fans of Lone Wolf will indeed be able to play a Kai Lord and select Animal Kinship at first level for their discipline. Every time the Kai Lord goes up a level, not only is a new discipline selected (such as Weaponskill, Mind Shield and all the old favourites), but all existing disciplines are improved as well. The actual process of this varies between the different character classes but it makes for truly detailed characters who fit straight into the setting. In this rulebook, we have included the following character classes to get you started - the Brother of the Crystal Star, Dwarven Gunner of Bor, Kai Lord (of course), Magician of Dessi, Shadaki Buccaneer, Sommerlund Knight of the Realm, and Telchos Warrior. Something for everyone!

The whole feel of the Lone Wolf rules is to reduce the complexity of the standard OGL rules to first concentrate on roleplaying and second, to reflect the atmosphere of the original gamebooks. Skills have been tweaked to enhance this feel - for example, a new Perception skill now replaces Listen, Search and Spot. However, this approach is felt more in the Combat chapter. Purists will be pleased to note all characters have Combat Skill and Endurance scores. There are also no Attacks of Opportunity (though some situations can grant a free attack). On the other hand, there are now rules for Magical and Psychic combat, both mainstays of the Lone Wolf universe.

The Equipment chapter will allow players to tool up (though naturally, the Kai Lord begins the game with a few gold coins, a jerkin and a weapon. . .), and includes currency conversions for the entire breadth of Magnamund. There are some very Lone Wolf-esque items here - the Broadsword (Magnamund version, of course), Bombard, Bor Rifle, Boompacks, Laumspur Leaves, Kalte Firespheres and many more. As well as the mundane, there are also a few magical items and, by popular demand, legendary items too. Yes, in the main rulebook, we have included the Dagger of Vashna, Lorestones of Nyxator and. . . the Sommerswerd!

Adventuring in Magnamund gives a good coverage of all the hazards players are likely to face, with a distinctly Lone Wolf feel to them - from flash floods and disease, to specific poisons and traps that have appeared in the gamebooks. This leads into the Lone Wolf Games Master chapter, which provides solid guidelines for creating the right Magnamund atmosphere, while avoiding the trap of making it just another fantasy setting (oh, it is so not that!). It also provides guidelines for ignoring all the new rules in the game, and simply using the text as a Magnamund sourcebook for d20 games. Supporting Roles provides the GM with characters who are 'non-heroes', those people the characters are likely to meet on their travels - Adepts, Aristocrats, Commoners, Experts and Warriors. Don;t make the mistake of thinking you have seen these characters before, however. Commoners, for example, gain new class features, such as Common Role, Excellence, Community Leader and Elevation (to Aristocrat). These characters are very much fleashed out and will provide suitable foils for your players, rather than having Warriors relegated to the position of 'not as good as Fighters'. I am sure you know what I mean

The largest chapter in the book is the Magnamund Gazetteer and, in conjunction with the full colour fold-out map, details the entire world of Lone Wolf - and beyond, given some of the adventures of heroes in the past. A full timeline of the world is here, along with the story of the world's creation. After this, from the Republic of Anari, through the Darklands and Sommerlund, to Vaduzhan, every country, city and province of Magnamund is fully detailed, including a great deal of never or rarely seen before information. For the Lone Wolf fansout there, this is the good stuff!

The Magnamund Bestiary attempts to provide all your favourite monsters, ready to tackle the players. I say attempt, as we could so easily have expanded this section out into another hardback (hmm, maybe a supplement. . ?). By no means an exhaustive list, Lone Wolf fans can expect to find creatures such as the Agarashi (keep away from 1st level character!), Burrowcrawler, Crypt Spawn, Doomwolf, Drakkarim, Giak, Gourgaz, Helghast, Kraan and Vordaks (among many, many more).

The book winds up with a Random Number Table (I kid you not!), a complete Index and a whole new character sheet (already available for download from our web site).

After this book's release, we have the Darklands sourcebook coming out next month (including a detailed trip through Helgedad!), and this will soon be followed by a complete range of Lone Wolf miniatures. Starting with the Kai Lords (already sculpted - look for a preview on our web site soon!), we will be bringing out all the character classes as miniatures, and then backing them up with the various baddies of Magnamund!

The Lone Wolf RPG is a 304 page hardback priced at $39.95 and will be available this week from all good games stores and book shops.
Matthew Sprange
Mongoose Publishing

Titel: Re: LoneWolf d20
Beitrag von: Darklone am 24.05.2004 | 09:22