
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => Weitere Pen & Paper Systeme => Thema gestartet von: critikus am 21.12.2004 | 09:35

Titel: Santas Little Helpers - DAS Weihnachts-Rollenspiel-System
Beitrag von: critikus am 21.12.2004 | 09:35
Wie wäre es denn mal damit...

"Kris Kringle is revered across the world as a bringer of good luck and merry tidings to people, young and old. December 25th -- Christmas -- is his throne, a day filled with dizzying displays of old-fashioned magic resulting in the distribution of billions of presents beneath Christmas trees. The truth is that Santa Claus uses no old world magic, no sleight-of-hand, no rocket-powered sleigh (although he does own one). Santa uses thousands of highly-trained, highly-motivated elves such as yourself to infiltrate and deliver presents and dreams-come-true to countless children on Christmas morn.

You have been chosen to move up. You will no longer be monitoring one of Santa's outdated manufacturing lines, patrolling his vast icy palace, or working in one of the numerous grunt jobs notorious among elves (face it - reindeer don't poop candy canes). Because of your skill and talent, you will become one of Santa's treasured helpers. The fate of countless children's happiness will soon lie in your hands.

And yes, the job is far more dangerous than you think.

To join Santa's legendary brigade of elfen superspies, read on to discover classified information on the ongoing Christmas War. If you do not wish to choose to be a part of Santa's best, consider yourself assigned to reindeer poop detail permanently. Read on. Santa needs you."

Ich habe gerade diese schräge System enteckt. Wäre das nicht was für die Feiertage?


HoHoHo, rohes Fest
Titel: Re: Santas Little Helpers - DAS Weihnachts-Rollenspiel-System
Beitrag von: Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.) am 21.12.2004 | 09:39
Sehr nett ;-)
Wär zwar jetzt nix für mich, aber wenn man an Weihnachten sonst nix vorhat... und, mal im Ernst: wir alle wußten doch schon immer, dass Elfen in hautengen grünen Kostümchen mit spitzen Schuhen am besten aussehen... *ggg*  >;D
Titel: Re: Santas Little Helpers - DAS Weihnachts-Rollenspiel-System
Beitrag von: Ein am 21.12.2004 | 09:43