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[KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter

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Hallo zusammen!
Ich poste hier die News zum Kult: Divinity Lost Kickstarter. Keine Diskussion!

Hier der Vollständigkeit halber auch der Link zum Gesichtsbuch. (Die Neuigkeiten dort werde ich aber nicht posten, dafür schaue ich da nicht oft genug rein.)



--- Zitat ---Update Nr. 1

25. Feb 2016
Wow! The Illusion is cracking!

Thank you everyone! We reached our funding goal in about 12 minutes, and doubled it in less than 30 minutes. We are all humbled and super-excited by your commitment and dedication to the coolest and most terrifying Horror RPG ever created!

The team is currently busy with adding Stretch Goals, and preparing Add-Ons.

Astaroth, be afraid! 

-The KDL Team
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--- Zitat ---Update Nr. 2

25. Feb 2016
Love and Add-ons

Our trapped souls in Inferno are busy working on updates for the campaign. New Stretch Goals unlocked, and the first batch of Add-Ons is live.

We are also very happy and proud to have be selected as one of Kickstarter's "Project We Love". A true testament on the force and momentum all you guys have contributed to.

Again, thanks, for making this one of the best days in our lives.


-The KDL Design team
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Update Nr. 3

25. Feb 2016
8 hours of blood, sweat, and ecstacy

Dear Kultists!

It has been an intense first 8 hours of the campaign, with broken records, scrambling for stretch goals, and bringing updates. As midnight approaches, local time, we are looking through your suggestions, cheers, and feedback.

We are looking at adding an INFERNO + METROPOLIS bundle, as this is something many has asked about. It will be a limited package if it comes. If you already have pledged for either of the Editions, you can easily switch.

We will announce any such new pledge at least a day before, when it concerns a limited edition, to give everyone around the globe the chance to act. Normally we will try to make additions to the pledges around 15.00/3pm Swedish (CET) time (same timeframe as when the campaigned started).

Please spread the word on social media. If you haven't yet, please Join/Like the official KULT: Divinity Lost Facebook group at for news and updates.

If we continue at this pace, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain dark lady would appear on the Stretch Goal list. ;-)


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--- Zitat ---Update Nr. 4

26. Feb 2016
A legendary day closes to an end

The first 24 hours cycle since launch is complete. Thanks everyone again for this fantastic start! A special thanks goes to Godfather Punk who compiled a big list of questions, and to all who asked in the first place. We will bring a lot of answers within the next few days.

We are also looking at ways to presenting more of the rules crunch, for those interested.

During next week (probably Wednesday) we will add two new Pledge levels:

* One bundle with INFERNO + METROPOLIS EDITION. This will be a limited pledge.
* A version of the DIGITAL EDITION, with the ENLIGHTENED Cover art.
Speaking more soon!


-The KDL Team
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