der Halbork war mir bei D&D schon immer ein Dorn im Auge, weil das Underdog-Konzept doch eigentlich eine ganze Menge hergeben muesste. Die anderen Rassen aber ohne Ende mit Boni und Faehigkeiten (mitunter sogar spell-like abilities) vollgestopft sind. Und die offizielle Erklaerung, es handele sich bei den Halborks um eine betont einsteigerfreundliche Rasse, will ich auch nicht hinnehmen. Deswegen hier mein Ueberarbeitungsvorschlag:
Half-Orcs use the following racial traits instead of the ones described in the Player?s Handbook:
- +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Half-Orcs are muscular but have a hard time grasping complex and abstract concepts. They are looked at as savage brutes, which makes few Half-Orcs socially successful or skilled.
- Darkvision: Half-Orcs can see black and white in complete darkness up to 60 feet/20 meters.
- Orc Blood: Half-Orcs are treated as orcs in all matters, such as orc-only magic, classes or orcbane weapons. They also treat the orc double axe as a martial weapon instead of an exotic weapon.
- +2 to intimidate and concentration checks. Half-orcs are strong and menacing appearances and frighten many humans. Since full orcs view them as inferior creatures, half-orcs do not gain a bonus to intimidate against orcs.
- +2 against fear- or painrelated effects. +2 against extreme weather conditions such as head or cold. Their strong build makes half-orcs more tolerant to physical stress.
- Favored Class: Barbarian.
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