Autor Thema: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]  (Gelesen 809 mal)

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Offline Bombshell

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[SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« am: 15.06.2017 | 14:53 »
The bridge of the Narzalus is quiet except for the steady hum of the ventilation system and the faint sound of the avionic sensors. You have been travelling through the depths of the Dabaran system for the last week. At first, it was just another mindless, routine job. Pick up and drop off. You have done this a hundred times before. But then something happened. A blurry signal from a representative for The Foundation. An offer of a lucrative mission if you found a missing ship - the Shamza - carrying a professor from Dabaran. They pay was too good to turn down, and the coordinates of the last known position of the ship were just a short detour from your route anyway. So you took it. That was two days ago. Now, suddenly the ship’s sensors have come to life. Alerts and prompts warn you of something close by. It’s not a ship. It’s a station.

Ich würde gern Coriolis ausprobieren und würde gern dazu das Szenario aus dem Schnellstarter nehmen. Wer dies schon kennt, kann gern mitspielen, aber sollte den anderen nicht den Spaß verderben. Das Szenario ist nicht dafür geeignet alle Aspekte des Systems und und Settings zu demonstrieren, aber es gibt einen schönen Eindruck.

Das Szenario bringt vorgefertigte Charaktere mit. Dies sind:

Dr. Armita Wana – Expelled archeologist and captain

The search for truth is everything. You have dedicated your life to unraveling the mysteries of the Third Horizon. Sure, you might not always have used the most conventional means, and you've made more than your fair share of enemies along the way. But in the end, you know that getting results is everything that counts, and no-one is better than you in that regard.

Concept: Scientist (Archeologist)
Position: Captain
Icon: The Dancer
Problem: Rival (artefact hunter from Algol)

Background: You were once of the most prominent archeologists in the Kua sphere, and holder of a lucrative contract with The Foundation. But during a posting in the Frontier Rim, your curiosity got the better of you. You snuck past the Legion's blockade of an old Firstcome ship graveyard in the name of science. But the expedition went horribly wrong. You were caught, your findings destroyed and you were placed under arrest. This misstep cost you everything. You lost your sponsors, your tenure and your colleagues shunned you, Now, you command a crew of outcasts on the light freighter Narzalus. This time you no-one will tell you what to do.

Zebraimas "Zebo" Hutul – Deeply devout machinist

You thank the Icons for your life. You once choose the wrong path in life, and almost lost yourself in the process. Now, you are on the right path. You take pride in looking after the ship's graviton projector as well as your comrades. The greatest mission of them all is to make sure that your friends walk in the holy light of the Icons.

Concept: Ship worker (Machinist)
Position: Engineer
Icon: The Gambler
Problem: Addicted to arrash

Background: Born in the faraway Ehad in the Ehadu system, you were once a smuggler - a petty criminal. You don't like to talk about it, it's all in the past. But the scars are there. The crimes you witnessed put a mark on your soul. For a while ,you were almost lost to the Darkness. But the Icons became your relief and salvation. Now, you know that you have a calling and an obligation to never let your friends down. You will fight darkness with jokes, love and happiness. And you will never ever return to your old ways.

Samioh Amin – Adventurous courtesan

You are a social chameleon. Equally at home in the elegant boudoirs of Coriolis as in the shady bars of the Mulukhad. But although you fully master the craft of the courtesan, it is the rush of adventure that is your drug of choice. This is the reason why you have joined the motley crew of this starship. You are all different, but the search for something else unites you.

Concept: Artist (Courtesan)
Position: Sensor operator
Icon: The Messenger
Problem: Powerful enemy (dignitary from Coriolis)

Background: You were the most talented of your class at the Propaganda Lyceum of The Bulletin. If you parents had their way, you would probably have been a governor in some faraway jungle province by now. But your appetite for life and curiosity got the better of you. You are not only sharp as a mercurium blade, you are more beautiful than a sunset over Mira.. After a time of intense socialising and discrete affairs you knew your destiny. You were meant to be a courtesan, and you do it well.

Rouya Ghallab – Disillusioned ex-legionnaire

You are the rock in this crew, the only one with an ounce of leadership in you. You have led troops in forgotten jungle battles, over remote plains and across vast ice fields. But now you are here: with this crew of misfits and outcasts that know no discipline.

Concept: Soldier (Legionnaire)
Position: Gunner
Icon: The Judge
Problem: Hunted by the Legion

Background: You grew up in the slums of the Conglomerates on Kua. Early on, you learnt that strength is everything. You learnt to survive. You enlisted in the Legion and quickly rose through the ranks. If that one incident had not happened you would probably still be serving the Legion. But it did happen, and you saw too much innocent blood be spilled. You deserted, and left your old life and the Legion behind. Now you are hunted by your former comrades, always on the run. But at least you are free.

Nima Dol-Soufi – Fighter pilot haunted by the past

You were once someone to look up to. A pilot in the Black Swallows. But you must have angered the Icons somehow, because you lost it all. Now you are a mere shadow of your former self, but you still have the love of your craft. And you are flying, that is all that counts.

Concept: Pilot (Fighter pilot)
Position: Pilot
Icon: The Deckhand
Problem: Intense nightmares

Background: Life was good. You graduated as top of your class at the Pilot Academy of Zenith, and were hand picked to the Black Swallows. You loved every minute in the cockpit of your slender fighter. You were one of the elite, what could possibly go wrong? Everything, it turned out.. One bad call, a fraction of a second of doubt - and two of your comrades died. You were dismissed and defamed. In shame, you left for Coriolis to drink your sorrows away in the foggy dens of the Mulukhad. The time that followed is a haze. Now you are flying again, but this bucket is no Swallow. Yet, then and again you forget yourself, and you are still the young ace roaring through the blessed Dark of the Icons.

Wer hat Lust das System und Setting von Coriolis kennenzulernen?
  • Azzu
  • Vash
  • Don Kamillo
  • Tigerbunny
« Letzte Änderung: 18.06.2017 | 16:13 von Bombshell »
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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis – Dark Flowers [-/4]
« Antwort #1 am: 15.06.2017 | 16:03 »
Hier!  :)

Online Vash the stampede

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis – Dark Flowers [-/4]
« Antwort #2 am: 15.06.2017 | 16:33 »
-> Projekte: PDQ# - FreeFate - PtA Zapped - Fiasko - FateCore - Durance - SRAP (mit Diary)
-> Diaries 212 (nWoD) - Cypher Suns (Fadings Suns/Cypher) - Anderland (Liminal) - Feierabendhonks (DnD 5e)

Ich sitze im Bus der Behinderten und Begabten und ich sitze gern darin.

Offline Bombshell

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis – Dark Flowers [-/4]
« Antwort #3 am: 15.06.2017 | 18:23 »
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Offline Don Kamillo

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis – Dark Flowers [2/4]
« Antwort #4 am: 16.06.2017 | 02:04 »
Meiner einer würde das auch gerne ausprobieren!
Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
"I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laugther. No, instead, I will make some tea." - Toll the hounds - page 282 )
Der Don zockt gerade: nWoD Crossover, D&D5e Homebrew mit Monsterrassen, D&D5e Wildemount, D&D5e Moonshaes, D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen & Conan 2D20

Offline Bombshell

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #5 am: 16.06.2017 | 09:32 »
Cool. Ich werde am Wochenende zu den Charakteren noch die Hintergrundinformationen ergänzen.
Kurze klare Worte

Offline Tigerbunny

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #6 am: 18.06.2017 | 07:31 »
Da ich so viel davon gehört hab, würd ich das auch gern testen.
Warum Kinder im Nebenzimmer beim Rollenspiel schwierig sind: "Der alte Magier blickt erwartungsvoll von einem zum anderen, ihr wisst bereits was er fragen will, als er ansetzt: Kann ich was Süsses?"

"Optimisten machen Sudoku mit Kugelschreiber."
"Ein Freund ist jemand, der die Melodie in Deinem Herzen kennt, und Dich daran erinnern kann, wenn Du sie vergessen hast." - Eckhardt von Hirschhausen

Offline Bombshell

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #7 am: 18.06.2017 | 16:14 »
Damit wären wir komplett. Ich habe die Hintergründe oben ergänzt.
Kurze klare Worte

Offline Azzu

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #8 am: 18.06.2017 | 19:47 »
Der Pilot oder der Kanonier würden mich interessieren!

Online Vash the stampede

  • KEN-SL
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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #9 am: 18.06.2017 | 19:54 »
Ich will auch mal Captain sein.
-> Projekte: PDQ# - FreeFate - PtA Zapped - Fiasko - FateCore - Durance - SRAP (mit Diary)
-> Diaries 212 (nWoD) - Cypher Suns (Fadings Suns/Cypher) - Anderland (Liminal) - Feierabendhonks (DnD 5e)

Ich sitze im Bus der Behinderten und Begabten und ich sitze gern darin.

Offline Don Kamillo

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #10 am: 19.06.2017 | 22:21 »
Dips auf den Maschinisten.
Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
"I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laugther. No, instead, I will make some tea." - Toll the hounds - page 282 )
Der Don zockt gerade: nWoD Crossover, D&D5e Homebrew mit Monsterrassen, D&D5e Wildemount, D&D5e Moonshaes, D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen & Conan 2D20

Offline Tigerbunny

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Re: [SaMi] Coriolis - Dark Flowers [3/4]
« Antwort #11 am: 20.06.2017 | 06:12 »
Ich wähle dann ebenfalls den Piloten oder den Soldaten, lasse Azzu aber die Wahl.
Warum Kinder im Nebenzimmer beim Rollenspiel schwierig sind: "Der alte Magier blickt erwartungsvoll von einem zum anderen, ihr wisst bereits was er fragen will, als er ansetzt: Kann ich was Süsses?"

"Optimisten machen Sudoku mit Kugelschreiber."
"Ein Freund ist jemand, der die Melodie in Deinem Herzen kennt, und Dich daran erinnern kann, wenn Du sie vergessen hast." - Eckhardt von Hirschhausen