Autor Thema: [Homebrew] Rasse: Illumianer aus 3.5 Races of Destiny  (Gelesen 763 mal)

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Offline Skyrock

  • Squirrelkin
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  • Username: Skyrock
    • Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates
Illumianer waren eine Rasse aus Races of Destiny (D&D 3.5). Es gab schon ein paar Homebrews die versucht haben sie zu konvertieren, mit denen ich aber unzufrieden war, so dass ich meine eigene Version erstellt habe.

Mechanisch betrachtet waren Illumianer eine sehr flexible Exotenrasse ohne direkte Attributsboni und ohne feste Rassenfeatures. Stattdessen hatten sie eine Kombo von 2 auf 6 möglichen Machtsigeln die einen festen Bonus auf Attributschecks (oder Casterlevel) gab, und eine Sigelkombo aus diesen zwei Sigeln die primär dazu gedacht war eigenwillige Multiclasskombis wie Monk/Wizard zu ermöglichen. Das lässt sich nur schwerlich nach 5e übersetzen (das weniger Schwerpunkt auf Multiclassing setzt und bei der Attributsabhängigkeit ganz andere Wege geht), so dass ich mein bestes versucht habe die Idee dahinter zu konvertieren, anstatt eine 1:1-Übersetzung der 3.5-Eigenschaften zu versuchen, und darauf geachtet habe dass sie auch für einen Charakter funktioniert der von Stufe 1-20 in der gleichen Klasse bleibt (was der Normalfall von 5e ist).

Kombis, die zwei geistige Attribute fördern (Hoon, Naen und Vaul) sind bewusst stärker, da Spielercharaktere im Normalfall nur eines davon für Magie brauchen, oder im Falle nichtmagischer Charaktere keines davon, so dass es ein bißchen Anreiz gebraucht hat um sie als sinnvolle Alternative zu halten.

I l l u m i a n s

Illumians are an offspring of humanity that has transformed in the Ritual of Word Made Flesh and taken off to the Shadowfell, forming cabals to further research the power of language and runes, and to watch over and manipulate their less enlightened brethren on the Material Planes. Fnord.

Age: Illumians grow and age like humans.

Alignment: Illumians gravitate towards lawful alignments, as the cabals that form the backbone of Illumian society maintain strict order and codes. There are however gibber cabals which seek power in the disorder of invented words, and so have more chaotic tendencies. There is no particular gravity towards good or evil, leaving most Illumians neutral on the moral axis.

Luminous Sigils: The sigils that orbit an illumian's head glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. Illumians can make their sigils disappear by concentrating for a moment (a Bonus Action), but they can't use any special abilities granted by Illumian Word Combos (see below) while they're doused. Restoring the sigils to visibility is another Bonus Action.

Versatile Cabal Training: Increase any of your ability scores by 1.

Power Sigils: Pick two of the following:
  • *Aesh ("vigor"):* +1 to Strength
  • *Hoon ("life"):* +1 to Wisdom
  • *Krau ("magic"):* You know the Message cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Healing Word spell once per day as a 2nd level spell. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Suggestion spell once per day. The ability enhanced by your other sigil is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • *Naen ("mind"):* +1 to Intelligence
  • *Uur ("grace"):* +1 to Dexterity
  • *Vaul ("soul"):* +1 to Charisma
Illumian Word Combo: The two Power Sigils you have selected create an Illumian Word Combo that gives you access to **one** special feature:
  • *Aeshkrau:* You can use Strength as your spellcasting attribute for all your cantrips. On 5th level, this ability extends to 1st level spells. On 10th level, this ability extends to 2nd and 3rd level spells. On 15th level, this ability extends to 4th and 5th level spells.
  • *Aeshoon:* As a Bonus Action, you can activate this ability to add your Wisdom bonus to weapon damage rolls for 1 minute. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.
  • *Aeshuur:* When you deal a critical hit or a sneak attack, your AC increases by your Strength modifier until the beginning of your next turn. This bonus may not exceed the maximum Dexterity bonus of the armor you wear.
  • *Hoonkrau:* You gain Lay-On Hands as per the Paladin feature. The size of your Lay-On Hands pool is equal to your character level plus twice your Wisdom modifier. If you gain levels in a class that grants Lay-On Hands (such as Paladin), the pools stack.
  • *Hoonvaul:* When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal force damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d4 plus your Charisma modifier for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d4 for each spell level higher than 1st.
  • *Naenaesh:* Gain light and medium armor proficiency. You may add your Strength modifier to saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell.
  • *Naenhoon:* You gain a number of Naenhoon Points equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your Wisdom modifier. Using a Bonus Action, you may use them to replenish spent spell slots as per the following table:
Spell LevelNaenhoon Points (NP)
1st2 NP
2nd3 NP
3rd5 NP
4th6 NP
5th7 NP

Your Naenhoon Points replenish after a short or long rest.
  • *Naenkrau:* When you cast a spell, you can spend an additional spell slot of the same or higher level to gain Advantage on your spellcasting ability roll or to force Disadvantage on saving throws against that spell. Naenkrau can affect cantrips if you spend a spell slot of at least 1st level.
  • *Uurhoon:* As a Bonus Action, you can activate Uurhoon to regain a spent spell slot of a level up to your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, for 1 minute you may add your Wisdom modifier to your Dexterity saving throws. You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again.
  • *Uurkrau:* You can use Dexterity as your spellcasting attribute for all your cantrips. On 5th level, this ability extends to 1st level spells. On 10th level, this ability extends to 2nd and 3rd level spells. On 15th level, this ability extends to 4th and 5th level spells.
  • *Uurnaen:* When you make an attack using Dexterity as your ability modifier, you can spend a spell slot to gain a bonus on the attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifer. When you hit, add the spell slot level to the weapon damage.
  • *Vaulaesh:* When you Attack or Dodge, you can at the same time activate Vaulaesh. This adds your Charisma modifier to your AC and to your weapon damage rolls until the beginning your next turn. You must complete a short or a long rest before you can use this ability again.
  • *Vaulkrau:* You can use a Reaction to activate Vaulkrau to add your Charisma modifier to all your saving throws and to your AC until the end of your next turn. You must complete a short or a long rest before you can use this ability again.
  • *Vaulnaen:* Designate one spell from your spell book you haven't prepared (if you are a prepared caster) or one spell from your spell list that you don't know (if you are a spontaneous caster or a pact magician) after each long rest as your Vaulnaen spell. You can cast it once as if it were a known or prepared spell. If you belong to multiple spellcasting classes, you can pick a Vaulnaen spell for each class. You must complete a short or long rest to re-use or re-designate your Vaulnaen spell(s).
  • *Vauluur:* When you make an attack using Dexterity as your ability modifier, you can spend a spell slot to gain a bonus on the attack roll equal to your Charisma modifer. When you hit, add the spell slot level to the weapon damage.
Linguistic Aptitude: Whenever you make an Intelligence check related to linguistics (such as determining an unknown language or cracking a cryptographic code), you are considered proficient in the relevant skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. It takes you only half as much time to learn a new language during Downtime.

Languages: Common, Illumian and any Bonus Language of your choice (except for secret languages like Druidic or Thieve's Cant).
Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates - Mein Rollenspielblog

Ein freier Mensch muss es ertragen können, dass seine Mitmenschen anders handeln und anders leben, als er es für richtig hält, und muss es sich abgewöhnen, sobald ihm etwas nicht gefällt, nach der Polizei zu rufen.
- Ludwig von Mises