« Antwort #1 am: 24.12.2010 | 03:58 »
Dann mal wieder ein FATE3 SotC Schnellschuss

Name: Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones, Jr. Ph.D
Veteran of the Great War
Driven by Father Issues
Steady whip and trusty Fedora
Archaeologist in theory and practice
Popular with the opposite sex
Troublesome women pave the way
Pragmatic Fighter
“It belongs in a museum!”
“Nazis! I hate these guys!”
“Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes!”
Superb (+5): Athletics*
Great (+4): Academics / Fists
Good (+3): Rapport / Investigation / Resolve
Fair (+2): Guns / Weapons* / Survival / Mysteries
Average (+1): Pilot / Stealth / Deceit / Alertness / Drive
Linguist (Academics)
Scholar (Academics) [Archeology / Ancient history]
International (Rapport)
Contact (Contacting) [Marcus Brody]
>> Network of Contacts (Contacting)
* Da er seine Peitsche “kampftechnisch” eigentlich nur für Manöver einsetzt, würde ich das über Athletics laufen lassen.
FATE Point Refresh: 10
Health: OOOOO
Composure: OOOOO OO
« Letzte Änderung: 24.12.2010 | 04:15 von Horatio »

You see, it did not matter that setting canon and expected style was being broken,
as long as the characters in the story believed in their roles, the Story Guide believed in the consequences of any actions taken,
and the players believed in the story more than mere setting facts. Whatever the story would be in genre and message,
that would be revealed after the fact, not before.
- Eero Tuovinen: A Loveletter to a Story Gamer