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Einige Ideen zu Nexus in Exalted Modern
« am: 2.07.2014 | 22:57 »
37 Millionen Einwohner
Regierung: Rat der Wesenheiten, vollstreckt vom Botschafter
   Co-Regierung: Exekutivrat der Gilde

Nexus ist die größte Stadt im Osten und möglicherweise die größte Stadt der ganzen Schöpfung. Errichtet auf den Überresten der alten Stadt Hallow, aus der viele Überbleibsel erhalten sind. Dazu gehört auch ein Damm- und Hafensystem, welches die protzige Kernstadt vor Überschwemmungen schützt und einen beträchtlichen Teil des Umlandes effektiv bewässert, auch wenn viele Teile des Bewässerungssystems heute eher ineffektiv arbeiten und mit improvisierten Mitteln geflickt sind.
Die Dämme erzeugen auch Elektrizität, die wesentliche Teile der Kernstadt erleuchtet.
Nexus ist eine Stadt der Gegensätze, einmal die glitzernde Stadtmitte mit ihren Glasfassaden, andererseits Slums in den Flutgebieten, die auf Stelzen errichtet sind und von einem unheimlichen Gestank erfüllt, da das Abwasser der besseren Gebiete hier landet.

Die öffentliche Ordnung ist etwas speziell in Nexus, denn die eigentliche Regierung macht nur relativ wenige allgemeine Vorgaben, um dann aber gelegentlich recht willkürlich einzugreifen. Einen halbwegs erträglichen Grad an öffentlicher Ordnung gibt es aber schon, zumal neben der eigentlich Regierung auch die Gilde für Ordnung sorgt. Jedenfalls in den Viertel, die zu wesentlichen Teilen Angestellte der Gilde beherbergen oder anderweitig von größerem Interesse sind.

Die Gilde, das ist ein Stück weit Nexus. Kommerz und Kapitalismus, mit wenigen Grenzen. Schwerindustrie in Gildenhand bläst soviel Dreck in die Luft, dass der Schnee im Winter oft schwarz ist. Millionen von Menschen rackern sich hier für die Gilde ab, oft genug unter eher ausbeuterischen Bedingungen, um preiswerte Waren für die halbe Schöpfung bereit zu stellen. Immerhin hat der Rat der Wesenheiten verfügt, dass Sklaverei in Nexus unzulässig ist, so dass die Gilde auf freiwillige Arbeitskräfte mit Bezahlung usw. zurückgreifen muss.
 Major Districts

    The well-to-do and well-connected of Nexus reside within; any others would do better to stay out.
The place where the rich and powerful of Nexus come to live and play, Bastion is a district of large mansions, open parks, clean streets and frequent patrols by well-paid mercenaries. High enough above the river that it doesn’t get flooded, and far enough away from the centre that the smells don’t carry in, even the servants who live here do so in conditions that would make many in other parts of Nexus green with envy.

    The cultural and military centre of the city, Cinnabar lines the river and floods regularly.
A riverside district, Cinnabar is home to restaurants, teahouses, and cafés of highly variable quality, as well as being the site of annual and severe flooding. It also houses most of the mercenary companies who call Nexus their home, each one generally based within a fortified compound, with walls higher than the worst floodwaters.

    The epitome of urban nightmare, the Wyld zone at its heart still spits out horrors to plague the city.
An urban hell of rickety buildings, makeshift stalls, gang warfare, Wyld-spawned monsters and worse, Firewander is generally inhabited only by those who have no choice in the matter, either through poverty or violence. Scant trade occurs here, and most of that would be illegal anywhere else in the Scavenger Lands and is frowned upon by the “upright” citizenry of Nexus itself, but the denizens make do with what they have.

    The commercial and entepreneurial centre of Nexus, more silver pieces change hands here in a day than there are stars in the night sky.
Home to the Big and Little Markets, the Nexus district is where the real business of the city gets done. Home to the headquarters of the Guild and innumerable other trading companies, merchant organisations and caravan masters, if Bastion is where the rich and powerful rest, then the Nexus district is where they work.

    The noise of forges, smithies and other manufacturing processes resound night and day throughout the streets of Nighthammer.
Industry rules in Nighthammer, a place where three or four times a day thousands of workers travel to and from their places of work within the forges, smithies, looms and others factories that produce the thousands of tonnes of goods that pour out of the city and into Creation on a daily basis. The air here is thick with smog and the rivers are heavily polluted by toxic effluents, both by-products of the production that brings so much wealth into Nexus

The flood plain slums
huge area with multiple subdistricts
home of the poor and downtrodden
swampy terrain, ramshackle buildings on poles
famous swamp-rice is grown here
boats are a viable way to get around

northern residential
two of the northern hills, plastered with huge habitation blocks (20-30 stories, easily 2-3 thousand people per building)
the flats are rather small, but clean
penthouses and the like can be pretty nice
such a habitation block can be a community all of its own with own shops, major of the block, small local militia/police etc.
the streets are policed by the guild
much of the workforce, especially those of the guild enterprises, reside here
lower to middle class residential district
generally a relatively ordered district

Minor Districts

    A burned-out collection of ruins, populated by criminals and worse. Moxiane
At the southeasten edge of the city, where the Nexus and Cinnabar districts end at the walls, lies an ill-favoured part of the city which was until recently known as Aston. Prior to the Great Nexus Fire, this was a vibrant neighbourhood, with theatres and museums aplenty. But afterwards, the attention of the Council of Entities was more focussed towards the centre of the city; and so, this area, which was particularly badly struck by the inferno, was left to languish. All of this would have been bad enough were it not for the sudden surge of hungry ghosts that swarmed out of the neighbourhood, ghosts which were somehow hardier than the rest of their ilk, and far more difficult to put down.

The majority of the locals who survived the fire moved out in the years following the destruction, leaving gutted houses and other burned-out buildings for the undesirables of the city to move into – which they did in droves. Less than a year after the holocaust, Ashtown, as it had become known, was a nest of criminals, junkies and other lowlifes, competing with Firewander for general squalor and ambient violence. Early attempts to rebuild this part of the city were met with murder on the part of the new denizens, to the point where contractors and surveyors refused point-blank to enter without mercenaries in at least talon-strength, something that the Council of Entities considered uneconomic; and so a policy of containment regarding Ashtown has been enacted.

Visitors to Ashtown, of which there are few, report that there is a permanent haze in the air and a continual smell of burning that causes significant irritation to the nose and lungs, despite the fires having been out for decades. The hungry ghosts are still a major problem, particularly because they retain the unnatural resilience that caused so many problems in the early days of Ashtown’s existence, and local savants have come to believe that there are at least two small shadowlands within the ruins and rubble.

    Impossible to access save by boat, Brookside is an island of calm within the chaos of Nexus.
A small community only accessible by boat, Brookside is relatively quiet in comparison to the majority of Nexus, since the only people who go there are its inhabitants or those with business with its residents

    If Firewander is an urban nightmare, then Dungtown is an urban cesspool.
Aptly named, Dungtown is where all the riverborne detritus of an entire city upriver of it collects and gathers, due to the swirling currents of the rivers. The people unfortunate enough to live do so in old crates, mouldy tents and rickety lean-tos, amidst a ghastly environment comprised of piss and shit and worse. Robbery and murder are everyday occurences, people being sliced open for the crime of having a slice of fresh bread.

Sentinels Hill'
    Originally a series of guard outposts, Sentinel’s Hill has become a vibrant residential district in its own right. Firewander)
On the edge of Firewander, Sentinel's Hill was originally a place to keep an eye on the Wyld-infected madness of that place, but as the Wyld-zone receded the population of the city expanded outwards into the former buffer. Now it is a largely residential area, filled with houses and apartment blocks, lived in by ordinary people living their day-to-day lives.

    Once part of Firewander, the inhabitants of Tellnaught cleaned themselves up and walled the gangs out. Firewander)
Once considered part of Firewander, the inhabitants of Tellnaught, sick of the violence and depravity of it, cleaned themselves up, walling out the worst of the gangs and other scum and turning inwards to create somewhere pleasant to live. Of course, this has led to tension between the two sides of the wall, and the district has mercenaries on almost permanent retainer to keep the peace in and Firewander out.

The Underground
    The city under the city, and the people / places / things that call it home. (Changes) Dreaming Nymph
"The underground neighborhoods, while occasionally converted from newly discovered chambers of the old city, are mostly excavated by Nexus residents. While less dazzling than the old-city architecture, they are supremely functional, making allowances for air movement, chimneys, waste elimination and access. It is said that one need never see the sunlight in Nexus unless one so desires; one can take the tunnels to wherever one wishes to go."

Death Hounds
Gang, ca 500 Mitglieder, aber in Untergruppen organisiert von je 20-30 Mann

- Drogenhandel
- Prostitution
- Raub und Diebstahl

- vordergründig eine große und hartgesottene Gang
- hintergründig verwicklungen mit der Unterwelt
- Unterbosse und Bosse haben häufig riesige und brutale Hunde, schwarz mit roten Augen
- diese Hunde sind tatsächlich nekromantisch, eine Verbindung eines lebenden Wesens mit einem hungrigen Geist
- dadurch sind sie fast intelligent und äusserst bösartig

- Schädelritual bei Aufnahme um auf Verrat/unlautere Absichten zu prüfen

- setzen bisweilen Untote ein
   - Zombieschocktruppen
   - wichtiges Personal wird häufig wiederbelebt oder arbeitet als Geist weiter
   - manchmal werden auch Freiwillige oder Halbfreiwillige zu Untoten gemacht
   - z.B. auch untote Nutten

- Haus des kalten Rauchs
   - man kann hier ungestört Drogen konsumieren
   - lebende und tote Damen bieten ihre Dienste an

- Doktor Darlyle
   - Chirurg, Anatom, Nekromant
   - kümmert sich um Verletzungen
   - rüstet auch Leute auf, insbesondere aus der Gang, aber das Kostet was
   - hat auch Nekrotech, die billiger massivere Upgrades erlaubt, aber mit jedem Stück    wird man mehr Leiche
   - hat blonde, wunderschöne und ziemlich tote Assistentin
   - diese kann Fleischformen
   - und ist gekonnt in der Wartung von Untoten (insbesondere bei Untoten Damen sind ja    auch die aesthetischen Ergebnisse wichtig)

- Maestro Mastiff
   - kranker halbverstümmelter Typ der die Hunde züchtet

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