Identity: Peter Parker
Group Affiliation: Former (and brief) member of the Avengers
Base of Operations: New York Area
First Appearance: AMAZING FANTASY #15 (1962)
Side: Good
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Height: 5' 10"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Level: 16th
Experience: 135,000
Training: +1 Accuracy with Web Shooters
1. Body Power (Enhanced Musculature/Reflexes): This allows Spider-Man to use 2x his weight for calculating Carrying Capacity and HTH Damage. Heightened Strength +32.
2. Body Power (Wall Crawling): Spider-Man can adhere to most surfaces with ease. Movement is 75% his normal ground rate (50% on extremely slippery surfaces). PR 1 per hour.
3. Heightened Agility B +32
4. Heightened Defense (Amazing Feats of Agility): -4 to be hit.
5. Heightened Endurance A +22
6. Heightened Expertise: +6 to hit with his web-shooters (includes Training Bonuses).
7. Heightened Senses (Spider-Sense): Spider-Man has a x5 bonus to Detect Danger rolls, and a +15 Initiative bonus on the first turn of any resulting combat.
8. Natural Weaponry (Unique Fighting Style): +5 to hit (includes Training Bonuses), +7 Damage (includes Training Bonuses).
9. Special Weapon (Web-Shooters): Spider-Man's web-shooters are powered by small cartridges of web fluid (32 charges/cartridge) and it takes an action to change an empty cartridge. 12 additional cartridges are stored on his web cartridge belt. His web-shooter's have the following capabilities:
a) Restrain Opponents with Webbing: +2 Hit, 1d12 x 50 lbs. vs. Opponent's Carrying Capacity (if over, opponent is immobilized); uses 2 charges.
b) Uses Webbing as a Weapon (webbed club, ball): +1 Hit, HTH +1d6 damage; uses 1 charge.
c) Create Swing-lines: Spider-Man can reach speeds of 30 mph (132" swinging). Web-slinging uses 1 Cartridge/hour & costs Spider-Man 1 PR/hour.
d) Create Webbed Parachutes: Spider-Man can glide at wind speed (descent only); uses 2 charges.
e) Create Webbed Shields: ADR 80, Uses 2 Charges.
Weight: 165 lbs. Basic Hits: 4 Agility Mod: Nil
Strength: 42 Endurance: 32
Agility: 42 Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 22 Reactions from: Good: +4 Evil: -4
Hit Mod. (3.2) (3.

(4.3) (1.3) = 67.9744 Hit Points: 272
Damage Mod.: +7 Healing Rate: 4.5
Accuracy: +7 Power: 134
Carrying Capacity: 25,505 lbs. Basic HTH Damage: 3d10
Movement Rates: 116" ground, 132" web-slinging, 87" wall-crawling.
Det. Hidden: 14% Det. Danger: 90%
Inventing Points: 18.0 Inventing (54%):
Areas of Interest: Crime, Research/Technology, Scientist (Radiation) & Scientist (Robotics)
Origin and Background: (American) Peter Parker was orphaned at the age of six when his parents were killed in an airplane crash overseas. He went to live with his uncle and aunt, Ben and May Parker, in Forest Hills, New York. Parker was extremely bright and became a high honors student in science at Midtown High School. Parker's shyness and scholastic interest often made him a social outcast. One evening Parker attended a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials sponcored by the General Techtronics Corporation. During the demonstration, a small common house spider happened to be in the path of a particle accelerator's beam and was massively irradiated. The stricken spider fell on to Parker's hand, broke his skin with its fangs, and died. His hand burning from the bite, Parker left the exhibition.
Parker made his way home and passed through an unfamiliar section of the city where he was accosted by a gang of hoodlums. Tossing the gang members aside, Parker was shocked by his own display of strength. As he fled from them, he ran into the path of a speeding car, and leaped to safety about 30 feet up onto a nearby wall. To his growing surprise, he discovered that he was able to stick to the wall with his fingertips. As he easily walked down a guy wire to the street below, he realized that he now possessed a superb sense of balance. Parker quickly associated these spider-like abilities with the bitefrom the irradiated spider.
Parker went home, where his Aunt May sent him on an errand to deliver clothing to a charity driver located in a nearby National Guard Armory. There he saw a wrestling match witch offered a prize for anyone who could remain in the ring at least three minutes with a professional wrestler. Interested in testing his new-found powers, Parker decided to accept the wrestler's challenge. Wearing a mask to conceal his features to avoid embarassment in cast he lost, he easily defeated his opponent. A television producer's talent agent spotted him and promised him a segment on a network variety show. Parker, calling himself the Amazing Spider-Man, accepted the offer and decided to use it as a springboard to a show business career as a spectacular stunt performer. Over the next several evenings, Parker used equipment borrowed from his high school to fabricate a fluid that imitated a spider's silk web, and spinneret devices to project that fluid from his wrists in the form of a web strand. He also silkscreened his original design for a costume onto a body stocking and full-head mask. Thus prepared, Peter Parker appeared as Spider-Man on national television and was an immediate media sensation.
Just after the conclusion of the television show, a buglar, being pursued by a security guard, ran by Parker who allowed him to pass although he could have easily stopped him. When reprimanded by the guard, Parker arrogantly replied he was a professional performer and that chasing criminals was the guard's job. Parker promptly forgot the incident. A few days later, Parker returned home to find that his Uncle Ben had been murdered by a burglar. A police officer informed him that the burglar had been trailed to a nearby abandoned warehouse where the police had him trapped. Grief-stricken, Parker rushed to the warehouse to seek vengeance. At the warehouse Parker, as Spider-Man, easily captured the burglar and realized that he was the same person that he had allowed to run past him earlier that day in the TV studio. He realized that if he had acted responsibly earlier, he might have prevented the death of his uncle. Filled with remorse, he realized that with power comes responsibility, and he vowed to never shirk that responsibility again.
With Ben Parker dead, Peter and his Aunt May had no regular source of income beyond social security. Parker attempted to pursue his show business career but was unsable to do so because of a newspaper campaign against him launched by J. Jonah Jameson, influential publisher of The Daily Bugle. Parker began to use his powers to fight crime, and earned a living for himself and his aunt selling photographs of himself in action (using an early wind-up motodrive, automated Leica camera that was once his Uncle Ben's) to The daily Bugle. Although Jameson's attempts to negatively influence the public's perceptions of Spider-Man have waned because of positive word-of-mouth support of Spider-Man's public activities, Spider-Man remains a controversial figure. He has faced and thwarted a vast array of costumed criminals in the New York City area, including the Kingpin, the Vulture, Electro, the Sandman, Mysterio, Dr. Octopus, the Hobgoblin, the Lizard, Jack O'Lantern, the Enforcers, the Scorpion, Silvermane, the Rose, Kraven the Hunter, the Puma, Venom, Carnage and many others.
Note: Origin and Background text is from "The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #12" (Deluxe Edition) and is used without permission.
Training Bonuses:
1st Level: +1 Accuracy with HTH Combat
2nd Level: +1 Damage with HTH Combat
3rd Level: +1 Accuracy with Web Shooters
4th Level: +1 Damage with Web Shooters
5th Level: +1 Accuracy with HTH Combat
6th Level: +1 Damage with HTH Combat
7th Level: +1 Accuracy with Web Shooters
8th Level: +1 Damage with Web Shooters
9th Level: +1 Accuracy with HTH Combat
10th Level: +1 Damage with HTH Combat
11th Level: +1 Accuracy with Web Shooters
12th Level: +1 Damage with Web Shooters
13th Level: +1 Accuracy with HTH Combat
14th Level: +1 Damage with HTH Combat
15th Level: +1 Accuracy with Web Shooters
16th Level: +1 Damage with Web Shooters
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record