Hero System
Da ich im Moment zu faul bin, kommt es hier direkt kopiert aus dem Hero System Martial Arts 6E, Seite 263:
Dropped Marbles: A character can drop these
where he thinks his enemies will run or walk,
hopefully causing those enemies to fall to the
ground. Marbles do not require a Weapon Familiarity.
They’re built as follows:
Change Environment (anyone entering or
moving through area slips and falls unless he
succeeds with a DEX Roll each Phase), -3 to DEX
Rolls, Area Of Effect (4m Radius Surface; +½),
Uncontrolled (removable by spending a Full Phase
to sweep them aside; +½) (18 Active Points);
IAF (see text; -½), Activation Roll 14- (-¼), Only
Applies To Horizontal Surface (-0), Range Based
On STR (-¼), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1¼). Total
cost: 5 points.
When a character throws Dropped Marbles
onto the ground, he rolls versus DCV 3 to hit his
target Area. When a target walks into the Area
filled with Marbles, the attacking player (or GM)
rolls the 14- Activation Roll; if it succeeds, the
target has to succeed with a DEX Roll at -3 or
fall down. Dropped marbles are bought as IAFs
because they’re supposed to be inconspicuous
when dropped — but depending on the situation,
they might be highly visible.
A character who fails his DEX Roll and falls
down may, at the GM’s judgment, take 1-2d6
Normal Damage from the fall (or more, or Killing
Damage, depending on the surface involved).
If a character enters a Dropped Marble field at
high speed and fails his roll, he may lose control
of his movement and slam into a large object
(taking velocity/6 in d6 of Normal Damage, to
a maximum of the PD + BODY of the object he
collides with) or skid along the ground (taking
velocity/10 in d6 of Normal Damage, possibly
more or less depending on the surface).
Man muß diese Jungs einfach lieben.